What I've Loved This Week

Happy Weekend!

This week has gone by quickly, and I’m looking forward to having a free weekend for the first time since school started 5 weeks ago…eek! I’m planning on getting caught up on some school things, grading, etc., as well as some blogging odds and ends.

This week I started working out consistently since the beginning of school, and I feel so much better. It’s amazing how big of a difference that makes.

I also can’t believe Fall starts next week on the 22nd! I’m already ready for cooler days, warm sweaters, and lots of tea.

Nevertheless, here are my weekly favorites:

  1. This Girl’s Big Fish Catch is adorable!
  2. BEYOND stoked to see Hamilton is coming on tour next season to Denver. Yes Please!! When can I buy tickets?
  3. For When Life Feels Uncertain. Whitney hits some important tasks right on the head.
  4. Red Ruffle, Sally’s post is perfect for early Fall!
  5. Color Me Fall; Caitlin’s post with a perfectly matched jacket for Fall. I’m tempted to go and buy one of these adorable jackets!
  6. Currently reading The Girl on the Train. Excited to see the movie soon too!
  7. These Feminine Wedges are adorable!
  8. Loving This sweater from Le Fashion.
  9. This plaid top is a must in your Fall wardrobe.
  10. American Eagle’s Fall Collection of Sweaters: One Two
  11. This dreamy ACK house.

This week on LemonadePress:

  1. Finding Balance: The Rule of Hand
  2. Liebster Award
  3. Benefits of BlogLovin’ and How to Start Using It!
  4. September Goals

What are you up to this weekend?

Have a great weekend!


Liebster Award

Liebster Award.png

I was recently nominated by Alyssa from The Wise Willow blog for the Liebster award! I am thrilled to accept this award. Thank you, Alyssa!

The Goal of the Liebster Award is to help others discover new blogs!

Here are the questions Alyssa posed, and my answers:

1 // Name three things in nature that you find most beautiful and why!

My first is always the sky. I love sunsets, sunrises, clouds, snow, rain, and always sunshine! The sky is ever changing and especially living in Colorado, the sunsets over the mountains are always pristine. Next, I love bodies of water like the ocean and lakes, as well as mountains. I love being outside and appreciating the wilderness around me.

2 // What are your top five favorite foods?

Raspberries, Green-bean casserole, tacos, salmon, and peas.

3 // Do you prefer rainy days, snowy days, or neither?

Both! I love rainy days and being the Colorado skiier I am, snow days are the best.

4 // What is your favorite inspirational quote at the moment?

“Love Does” (Coincidentally, I would highly recommend reading this book by the same name, as written by Bob Goff!)

5 // Who or what inspired you to start a blog?

I am not actually sure who specifically inspired me to start my own blog. It comes down to Peanut Butter Fingers and Lady Ilg Photography. I was consistently reading their inspirational blogs and was tempted to start my own blog!  I still love following both of these inspirational women in their journeys! Lady Ilg is now a full-time wedding photographer. My first blog was 5 years ago!! Eek. Although I started my first blog in college, I really got in to blogging 1 year ago.

6 // Would you ever consider living abroad? If so, where?

Definitely! London in a heartbeat.

7 // If you could have any job, what would it be?

I honestly love what I do so much. Teaching is my dream job and I am so grateful to be living out that dream.

8 //What is your favorite time of day and why?

Sunrise! I love the morning. I feel I am most productive and I love the quiet before the hustle and bustle of the day.

9 // In your opinion, what is most important in life?

The people around you are so incredibly important. Make connections, and go out of the way to show people you love just how much you love them.

10 // Coffee, tea, or neither?

I’ve never been a big coffee drinker, however lately I will gladly have an iced vanilla latte! Otherwise I have always been and will always be, a tea drinker! Preferably Earl Grey!

11 // What would your ideal room look like? What color schemes, decor, etc.?

Anything and Everything Fixer Upper! I am obsessed with the HGTV show, and I love the style Joanna Gaines brings forth to each of her projects. Otherwise, some sort of neutral and calming theme with unique antiques and displays.


Thank you again, Alyssa, for your nomination!

Here are my 5 nominees: (Also some fabulous bloggers to check out!!)

  1. Rebekah Blogs Rebekah talks all about the whole-hearted living of life in her blog, as she reflects on life as well as offers strategies to college students.
  2. Melissa Manning Melissa blogs inspirational tips and tricks for the 20-something, as well as recounts favorite books and playlists!
  3. Peonies in the Pacific Saba recounts her adventures as well as tips for navigating the college life.
  4. S’More Happiness The name of Stephanie’s blog was what caught my eye on Twitter, and her posts also bring about an honesty and positivity of life after college!
  5. Live Life Inspired I was so excited to stumble across Erin’s blog. She and I both share attendance at Luther. She’s got some great posts on DIY’s and I love her vision and goals for the future.
  6. Sweet and Awkward I really love Sabrina’s honesty and determination on her blog! Also check out her Etsy and Society6 prints.
  7. Faith’s Girly Life You can feel the passion Faith has for life through her blog, and you will love the positivity she brings forth in each post!

If you choose to accept this award, please nominate other bloggers and answer the following questions in a blogpost. Once you have written your post, pingback to my blog!

  1. What was the inspiration behind your blog?
  2. If you had one day without any obligations, what would you spend your time doing?
  3. What is your biggest dream?
  4. Who is someone who has inspired you most along your journey so far?
  5. Go to snack?
  6. Favorite book?
  7. An Inspirational Quote to describe your life right now?
  8. One event you are most looking forward to in the coming year.
  9. A goal you are currently working on.
  10. Your go-to store to shop in?
  11. Favorite part in your blogging journey so far?

I’m looking forward to hearing your responses!



September Goals


Happy Officially September! I’m pretty stoked for this month and have tallied up some goals on my list of things to accomplish this month.

1 // Spending Money on Clothing is Out

This one is huge for me. It’s kind of pathetic how much I appreciate retail therapy. I’m not a big spender on clothes, in fact I pride myself on spending reasonable amounts on tops, pants, etc. However, back in February I set my 101 in 1001 list to not buy clothes for at least one month, so September it is! My goal with this is to save money, but also appreciate the wardrobe I already have!

2 // Self-Hosting

My biggest goal for my blog is to move to Self-Hosting. I’m still doing research on which service to go with, and my tweets on Twitter led me to ASP Host Portal and Site Ore. Originally I had looked in to BlueHost. Right now, hosting seems a little daunting. I’m ready to make LemonadePress more “my own” and self-hosting seems like the next logical step. If you have any advice, I’d love to hear it!

3 // Keep Up with Reading

Since the school year has started I’ve put off reading. This is something I am not ready to do! To me, escaping in to a good book is something which distracts me from the craziness and stress from each day. I am currently in a book club, and I am setting the goal to keep up with the book club reading each week. First book? The Girl on the Train. 

4 // Plan out my weeks ahead of time

I’ve already started my own blogging planner, but now I’m realizing the benefit of planning out my week over the weekend, instead of flying from event to event each day of the week. My goal is to keep on top of these things, including my blogging calendar, school calendar, and personal calendar.

5 // Continue to Give Back

I’m not quite sure how this is going to take shape, but right now I want to find more ways to give back to the community.

6 // Blogging Goals

This goal fits right in to #1 and #4. My goal is to figure out a way to streamline my scheduling of my blog posts so I don’t have to be doing everything by hand. Co-Schedule…what a genius idea! I also want to figure out a signature for each blog post as well as designing a media kit. All doable goals!

Your Turn! Any big goals this month for you?
